Space, Science, and Web Links
The following sites are involved in research programs which complement those of Poker Flat.
Related Scientific Facilities Worldwide
- HERDER Project
- National Aeronautical and Space Administration
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (Japan): Information about space, atmospheric, environmental, and other sciences from Japan's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. NICT is developing an extensive research program in cooperation with the Geophysical Institute at Poker Flat.
- EISCAT Scientific Association: European space and atmospheric radar studies in Scandinavia.
- Millstone Hill Observatory: space and atmospheric radar studies in Massachusetts.
- National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center Arecibo Observatory: radio astronomy, space, and atmospheric research in Puerto Rico.
- NCAR: National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.
- SRI's Greenland incoherent scatter radar facility, supporting a variety of space physics instrumentation.
- SuperDARN: the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network operated by Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory.
Other Topics of Interest
- Lynch Rocket Lab: Space Physics at Darthmouth
- Dr. Don Hampton's Optics Page
- Real-time Aurora Optics: display real-time aurora activity.
- Poker Flat Allsky Camera
- BEAR Balloons
- Aurora Forecast: Brought to you by the Geophysical Institute.
- Alaska Space Grant Program: information about the University of Alaska's Space Grant activities.
- IARC: The International Arctic Research Center on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus.
- NASA Space Grant home page: description and current information about the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.
- Sprites and Jets: information about Geophysical Institute investigations of newly-discovered optical emissions apparently linking the ionosphere and thunderstorms.
- Today at NASA: updates on shuttle missions and major space science events.
- The UAF Physics Department: information about the Physics Department faculty, seminars, and graduate program.
- The UAF Space Physics and Aeronomy home page, including information on students, researchers, and research topics.